Cialis vs. Levitra – Cold War

imagesDespite the problem of erectile dysfunction being quite widespread, only every fifth man addresses the specialized doctor. It is remarkable that in average a man spends six months with the arrival of erection problems before consulting medical professional.

For most men erectile dysfunction is a cause of their first visit to the urologist. So it is not surprising that it is the doctor who is most often initiated by a discussion of erectile dysfunction, and it is not man. It should not be overlooked that many men inform the doctor about erection problems during consultations do not provide a discussion of sexual dysfunction.

There exist numerous erectile dysfunction solutions in form of tablets, but three of them are downright flagman, and it stands a reason that they have become legendary. They are Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

Cialis and Levitra both appeared later than Viagra, and their developers quite naturally took into account its drawbacks. One of them is poor compatibility of Viagra with fatty foods and hard drinks, which in Cialis and Levitra Australia is a non-existent problem.

Generic Cialis and Generic Levitra in Australia, as well as Viagra for that matter, belong to the class of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, which means that their mechanisms of action coincide in the basics principles. The same goes for the side effects and contraindications for the drug intake.

But here the similarities between two of Viagra rivals come to an end, for it would seem that Cialis leaves Levitra far behind in terms of its longevity, for tadalafil (the principal component of Cialis) remains active during 36 hours, whereas Levitra continues to enable man to achieve and maintain erection during 6 to 8 hours.

Still, many patients feel reluctant to expose their body to the effects of a medicine during such a long period of time, and here is where vardenafil, the principal component of Levitra, steps in.

Both Cialis and Levitra should be taken approximately one hour before the intimacy is planned. However, there exist other types of both products in form of soft tablets or pastilles that shorten down the onset period.

Pharmacological action of Levitra (vardenafil) and Cialis Australia or NZ (Tadalafil) is caused by selective inhibition of cGMP specific PDE-5 type corpus cavernosum, leading to increased levels of cGMP in tissue vasodilation and subsequent release by increasing the NO (nitric oxide).

If you move away from the language of science, when it is excitement in the male begins to produce the enzyme “A”, which is responsible for a good erection, while at the same time with enzyme “B” is produced, on the contrary it is designed to break down the “A” and “extinguish” erection. In general, it’s pretty logical, without the “B”, erection can occur and be continuous and infinitely long, which is very painful and dangerous.Cialis-brand-large-01

You do not need to choose between the two once and for all, the wining policy is to combine your ED pills, taking them alternatively as the situation demands.

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