Levitra in Australia Competing Viagra

geneerinen-levitraLevitra is 10 times more effective than Viagra and Cialis is 13 times more efficient. It would seem impossible, as Viagra has always been first on the list. However, Levitra is not just its counterpart – it’s new, improved, and has already been tested remedy.

The effectiveness of Levitra was once again proved by researchers at the University Medical Center in Cologne.

Levitra action begins much earlier than the other drugs of this type in some cases already after 10 minutes after application. The maximum amount of time required to bring an erection to normal – 25 minutes.

The action of Levitra is not as continuous as that of Cialis, but lasts for 4-5 hours this is the best time to perform sexual intercourse. At that Levitra causes far fewer side effects (they occur in 2% of cases), and much faster out of the body.

Studies of the drug, English and German manufacturers have shown that Levitra helps in 50 % of cases when Viagra is inefficient.

In the same study it was found that Levitra is effective in 70% of patients who have undergone prostatectomy, and 72% of patients suffering from diabetes.

One of recent study treatments were performed with Levitra in Australia (myviagrainaustralia.com). The project involved 201 men suffering from impotence, from 18 to 64 years. Within a month, another group of men taking Levitra AU, the second group – placebo. Among all those involved in the study of men, and 40 % was found impotence moderate, 30% – severe. Taking 10 mg of vardenafil Australia one hour prior to sexual intercourse, the men were able to increase the duration from 5 to 13 minutes, without any side effects. In rare cases, patients complained of headache and facial flushing. The study demonstrated that monthly treatment Levitra is able to prolong sexual intercourse twice

All of these studies support the high efficiency of Levitra, however, each drug has its own characteristics, and maybe that will suit you much more than Viagra or Cialis.

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