Levitra Super Active

Levitra Super ActiveLevitra Super Active is intended for the treating sexual dysfunction in men. The drug is available in capsule form. This gives a more rapid absorption and longer duration of action. The main ingredient is Vardenafil 20mg.

Compared with conventional Levitra, Levitra Super Active provides a rapid absorption by the body and operates to 50 hours. That is, taking one pill on a Saturday morning, you will ensure yourself a splendid weekend. Besides, the consumption of food and drink does not affect the effect of the drug.

Levitra Super Active is produced in India. Levitra Super Active is a drug that contains incorporates the active ingredient vardenafil.

The main evidence that Levitra Super Active is efficient and meets all the necessary medical standards is an inscription on the back of the blister, which indicates the presence in the preparation of the active substance vardenafil.

Levitra Super Active is an effective solution in getting rid of the problems associated with erectile function in men. Effect of this drug is even stronger than that of ordinary Levitra. This effect was achieved through the use of an advanced formula that accelerates the onset of erection and sexual intercourse can prolong the amount of time required. It should be noted that the drug is not a substitute for the natural process of sexual arousal and persistent erection is possible only when there is sexual contact.

Levitra Super Active significantly increases blood flow to the penis and helps achieve stable prolonged erection, thus, unlike Viagra, after receiving the drug effect can occur within 15 minutes. In addition, Viagra is recommended to take before eating, as it does not fit well with alcohol. But the action of Levitra Super Active cannot prevent any extensive dinner, no alcohol, so with the drug any man the opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable romantic evening, slowly becoming a stormy night.