Viagra vs. Levitra Australia – Drug Comparison

Every day, thousands of men are frustrated at intimacy with a woman because of problems with potency. Their number reaches 100 million!

Not so long ago, to fight this disease there was formulated the world’s most celebrated drug, Viagra, successfully coping with erectile dysfunction, which now became known as impotence. It was used and is used by millions of people. Due to such wide scope of use, in addition to clinical trials and tests, pharmacologists were able to identify many contraindications to its use. In connection with these pharmacological contraindications Bayer Pharmaceuticals has successfully synthesized the drug which is not only more efficient, but has fewer contraindications. This drug is Levitra (vardenafil in Australia) is the latest invention in the field of treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Since its invention, there were carried out hundreds of clinical trials of the drug by hundreds of scientists in different countries. In the groups of male subjects between 18 and 90 years (it extends the range of all possible causes of erectile dysfunction) tested the dosage and time of intake of Levitra. The test results showed an improvement in the quality of erections in 85% of subjects (at the standard dosage of Levitra). And at the optimum dosage of Levitra, it was possible to increase the efficiency up to 92%! That is why before taking the medication you should consult a physician, if any, who will tell you the best dosage.

Levitra (Vardenafil) was even able to help 70% of men who are not helped by the drug Viagra. In this case, unlike Viagra, Levitra is harmless even for men with diabetes. A tablet containing 20 mg of the drug (the recommended single dose of Levitra) helps to immediately get rid of problems with potency. At that Levitra is not addictive, it does not bring a permanent increase in dosage. And the risk of side effects is reduced to almost zero, since the active ingredient of Levitra in Australia – vardenafil is valid only on the enzymes found in the body of the penis without affecting other organs. The only side effects after taking can become runny (10% of men), redness of the cheeks in 12% and headache in the morning, 16% of men. However, these side effects are short-lived and soon pass by themselves.

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However, Levitra, like Viagra, cannot be used in violation of the heart. If you do not have heart disease, you can safely use Levitra and not to worry about the potency.


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